Sunday, November 29, 2009


Why hello there. Why are you here? I have no clue. You probably don't know either. This is just a random blog of a random girl that's bored. I doubt you'll find anything interesting. Just try to prove me wrong! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Whatever. So I'm on my new laptop (from Black Friday)* and am bored right now. (Yes it IS two in the morning, thank you very much!) I love how I was just ITCHING to get this thing and now I'm like... now what? It's probably just sleep deprivation. I mean, is it natural to spend an hour just on your WALLPAPER? Hmmm... I'm not sure. I am really kind of hyper right now and wanna make the most of this new technological thing!!! So I'm just typing... typing... typing. Thanksgiving was fun. All of my family came!! Well, all... except my cousin Ike. And today... er well yesterday... um SATURDAY okay? On Saturday I had my Moon Day Party (don't ask) and we had sushi!! Yumminess!! And... Monday is back to school and the normal routine for two more weeks! Then Winter Break! Oh yeah! See, I told you nothing would come out of reading this. Ttyl!!



*Waited outside Best Buy for two hours... 30 degrees outside..... heheheheh*

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mleh why ya commenting? say how awesome i am then! ^_^